Why Trust

First you gotta trust in us and think about what really motivated us to start a project like this: it was not money and that’s for sure. You still might have doubts, that’s understandable, and this is why we have been thinking a lot about how to make this as transparent as possible. Many options crossed our minds, and here they come:
-       - First we thought about having a public page where all the donators fill in their names and amount donated – to make the total amount open to everyone. But, as we know that it might cause privacy issues (for those who don’t feel comfortable with having this information in a public Blog), we just dropped the idea. But we are totally open for suggestions to make it clearer and more trustable!
-       - But, we will publish the official balance sheet of the Paypal account on which we will receive the donations and all the invoices used to buy the shoes.
-       - Furthermore, as Chetna Sinha (CEO and founder of the Mann Deshi) agreed with and is supporting the idea, the bank will be close to us and it will also follow the project results.